AM - Fields Tempo. Up a touch earlier to get a little more with Twix and to get another mile in with the tempo. Not a bad one. Saw a great shooting star - always a positive sign. Went 5:55, :47, :43, :41, :47, :51, :51, 6:10. Extended down around Riverside to get the extra mile (plus a small extension around a church parking lot when I could tell that it wasn't going to be quite right). Held in there better and did pretty decent. Actually pushed the last mile pretty solid, but the time just wasn't there. James and I have said the last few weeks that with as hard as the last mile, the first mile's time should be awesome. But it never is. Still a lot of work to do. But I've got a few weeks. (Pace 58.25)
afternoon - 4 Pine View MS. Pretty much just swagged it for awhile on the tired legs and then we moved up to normal easy pace. (Kinvara silver 515.5)