AM - 9.5 Twix/Half & Half. Rainy, Rainy! A beautiful rain storm all night and morning long. The world was saturated - and amazing! Ran 3 with Twix and then a half & half including some striders. Felt great because of the cool weather. Ended with a killer game of ultimate. Everyone was slipping everywhere - especially me. And Decker took me out like a beast! Started with abs. Only bumma was no kids club - which normally would be fine, but it was the final day, so we have to reschedule. Kind of a pain. (Barefoot '17 24)(Adios 476.75)
afternoon - 2.75 AC. No weights for me. Really aggravated my wrist on the multiple falls during frisbee. The run wasn't bad. Wasn't raining anymore. Bumma. (Rider 735.25)