AM - 17 Sullivan/Grass. Junk tempo this week. When I started off with Twix around the neighborhood for just a couple and on the way down to the loop, I felt yesterday and the last week in my legs and I was worried I wouldn't have anything. Starting off though, I actually was moving decent without much effort. Had a 6:09 ave at the corner (2 miles), which is an improvement from last week. But up the Dam Hill I totally sucked and I couldn't bring it back on the opposite side like last week. So I ended with a 6:23 ave. bummed that it was worse than last week, but I still think I am a better runner today than yesterday for having at least tried to tempo. Then to practice for some barefoot ing. It was a good recovery, but I was pretty slow on the striders. Probably will take the afternoon off; we'll see. (Barefoot '15 18.5)(Kinvara grey 37.25) RHR: 40 |