Didn't run today - but because it's Boston, I looked back to last year. Funny stuff! I wrote about how I hated it so much and am not going back. Now I can't wait to go back. Things were pretty vicious last year, and I had a struggle to the finish. But those types of memories either strengthen (the challenge of the weather) or lessen (the final 10K struggle) as time moves on. That's what I am hoping for with SLC. I've had marathon struggles before: 3:30, 2005 TOU, after being very sick and not running for two weeks up to the marathon, and basically the memory of that is gone (except for passing out an mile 17 and then finishing in a cramped and knotted heap!); 3:20 2006 SLC, first marathon back from stroke, and the same thing, I just remember the fact that I was so happy to be back running even though it was a horribly difficult thing to finish. |