AM - 10 2xAC/2xHarts/some laps. Slept in a bit this morning as last night was not a great sleeper. Al was gone much of the night watching neighbor kids for what was supposed to be a few minutes but turned into a many hours as a baby was born - so I kept waking up knowing where she was at, but wondering. And the girls were up and down all night. Anyway... so I was a little behind this morning. Run was pretty junky too. Very flat and blah. Ran into the twins (James and Nate were dressed head-to-toe twinners) for a little on the last little addition I did to make it 10. (Landreth black 571.35) Ry's birthday today! afternoon - 11 barefoot/2xDI. Went out and got 5.5 in barefoot on the grass. Then warmed up with the team and hit the cooldown with them. Finished with a mile at home with Laney in the stroller, Ry on her bike, and Molly on the leash. Still felt pretty tired and crappy. Some of that may be due to the 90 heat. (Landreth 784.25)