AM - 8 2xAC and some laps. Slept in a little. Long run this afternoon, so we'll see how that goes. (Landreth orange 91.25) afternoon-PM - 50 Strip. Went up to out to the AZ Strip for a 50 miler this afternoon. Parked at the top of Quai Hill and used that for the base for three legs out in different directions. Leg 1 Mokiac-18 miles: This was a lot of fun. More climbing that I thought, and I made this the 9 miler out and back which dropped me off the pass further than expected so I ended up climbing app. 2600 ft. during this section. But I was moving really well and enjoying being out in a new place. Leg 2 Quail Hill-16 miles: Got a drink and food and called Al to tell her I was alive and headed back down the main dirt road onto the Stipoff Quail Hill. Right away I wasn't having too much fun. The pace was easy because of the huge drop, but I wasn't looking forward to coming back up; however, I was happy that I had chosen to run this 2nd and not last, as the 8 back up were looking brutal. Sure enough 2000+ feet of climbing back up for a constant 8 mile was hienous. I did not enjoy it at all. The toughtest part of the run was the mental aspect - as my body felt fine, but my mind was all over the place. I kept thinking how hard it was and my mind just kept going back to it over and over. Then I just got mad at myself over my pity party - Losing muscle control in your face mid-sentence and having your wife look at you with tears in her eyes wondering if you are going to die and not being able to answer - that's hard; trying to consol your wife while you stare at an ultrasound machine with a picture of your dead baby - that's hard; this was not hard - just a challenge. So I sucked it up and kept going. Leg 3 Seegmiller Mt- 16 miles: I thought that when I finally made the ascent and started on the last section of the run I would be feeling better. My goal was to make it up the last climb, a 1000 footer in 1.5 miles and just enjoy the 8 on top. But the sun went down and it got very dark and my mind was just all over the place. I finally hit the 8 mile turnaround and headed back. The only thing I could do to try and take my mind off the unending run was sing hymns, so I sang/hummed loudly for the next hour or so, until I finally got back to the Jeep. I was never so happy to see that thing, and even happier when it started! 50 miles - I'll take my hat off to anyone that can finish that after having gone through that. But my legs felt great and the run was solid - 6:59:37 and 6000 ft of climbing. I may never do that again. (Landreth 773.75)