AM - 6 ACx2. Missed this morning's Circle workout. Elin was up all night and when the alarm went off I had only been asleep for about 45 mins., so I opted for another hour of sleep and joined the team for their morning runs. I felt tired (duh!) and sluggish. But now I am bugged that I didn't get up and do the workout with the big boys. (Cumulus gold 575.75)
afternoon - 9.5 Parkway. Got practice going for the youngsters and then the team and headed out to make sure everyone was alive in the heat. I decided to try and get in something similar to the 1000's I missed this morning. The problems: heat, tired, heavy shoes, no one to push me, terrain. They mostly turned out to be around 3:35-3:40, which is obviously slower than necessary, but it is what it is. Ended with weights and started plyos, but I was too tired to finish it up. (Triumph 587.25)