AM - 33 Wendy's/Quail. Got up and ran Wendy's then went down and ran Quail with James. On the way out we took the Lava Point trail to add a few miles - down by the river I noticed some blue string up in the cliffs, so I was staring at it - then I noticed two great horned owls sitting up in the cliffs, one in the nest must have been an adolescent - it looked just like an Ewok. Then just a few feet away on a crag was the adult. Two straight days of awesome animal sightings! Got fairly tired as we finished up the run into the wind. (Landreth orange 169.25)
Week was solid, got in another set of good miles and and decent long run. Goals for next week: It will be another busy one with region track on two days, so that will cut into the mileage a bit. So I will use it as a recovery. Then over the weekend we are up to SLC, so I think I may head up into the mountains for a hard mountain trail run - but we'll see.