Speed training: Today i did speed training at R pace which i calculated from the my current VDOT The training was taken out from the Jack Daniels book: 3 x (200m R pace with 200m recovery jog + 200m R pace with 400m recovery jog and 800m Rpace with 400m recovery jog). For the 200m i was able to run the R pace; however, for the 800m distance, i was not able to run the calculated R pace; Has anybody experience in calculating the Rpace for the 800m distance for slower runners; it looks like that someone usually runs 200 or 400m at R pace; and only when you are really fast you run 800m at R pace; I guess i am not fit enough for 800m of Rpace; i guess runners with lower VDOT dont run 800m in R pace. any other thoughts?