| Location: US of A Member Since: May 16, 2015 Gender: Male Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: Ran 200 miles in under a week(nov 2019)
Ran 226 miles in under a week twice in 17 days(oct 2023). Ran 250 miles in under a week(mar 2024) Personal: 26. braves fan/canes fanatic/broncos sufferer/spurs fan Favorite Blogs: |
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| | AM - 7, 6:53 pace. soreness faded away after a couple of miles on the macro but i assumed it'd come back full force after i finished(i assumed correctly) so decided towards the end of mile 7 i'd stop at that and skip the long run this week. shame because 6:50's felt super easy but i'm sure it'll feel even easier next sunday with a real week of mileage in the legs.
sotd: LA leakers freestyle - freddie gibbs(https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MTKoeyLEU8U). smooth as big L and Jay Z on the stretch and bobbito freestyle from '95.
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| | gonna run in a minute. a friend was doing a study and asked me to make a list of my 100 favorite albums so i figured i'd post it here. made this off the top of my head in an hour so i'm sure there's some stuff i overlooked, but oh well.

PM - 5, 6:24 pace. legs are still tired from that first lifting session, but mostly past the soreness. did a surge the penultimate lap. just kept going faster the longer i went, felt great despite the legs being heavy. ran the 3/4 mile lap in 3:58.
sotd: valley of the pagans - gorillaz. not even that huge of a beck fan but his feature here is amazing
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| | AM - 8 hilly miles, 6:53 pace. did a sharp 180-turn a little over 7 miles in and tweaked my right calf. nothing serious but since it wasn't fading away i decided to call it once i finished the mile and jog another quarter mile to my car. double shame because i felt good and def could have hit 15 like i wanted, plus the 5 trillionth hurricane this year is hitting tonight so won't get many chances to run until friday. i'll at least get a treadmill run and a lift in after work tonight, and my calf felt completely fine as soon as i started jogging so already probably past that
PM - 5 + full body lift, 6:38 pace. opened up my stride for a 5:50 final mile
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| | AM - 5, 7:30 pace. just easy jogging to recover from last night. feel much better than i did after friday's weight session; even if it takes a few more hours for the soreness to kick in it'll be storming until tomorrow night so the only run i'll do until then is probably a treadmill 5 tomorrow morning(it's going to be storming crazy all PM today so not driving to the gym). haven't had a lazy day in forever, i'll make the most of it
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| | AM - 5 miles on the treadmill at a slight incline, 6:46 pace. sped up a few ticks on the mph every few minutes which gave me a 5:56 mile to close the run off. pretty good for running 2 hours earlier than usual on an empty stomach
PM - 5, 6:43 pace. went from 80's yesterday to 40's this evening, body was not prepared. overdressed and felt like i had a furnace under my jacket by the end of it
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| | AM - tripped over a tree root and ate major shit 3 miles into my 12. impact would have been nothing on the other 99% of the loop but it was in the 40 ft of hard dirt instead of grass. landed on my right shoulder then slid about 5 more feet and scraped up my knees, hands, and chest pretty bad. the legs will be fine by tonight but it's the shoulder that worries me(edit; it's ballooned to the size of an apple but i think it'll be okay. PM run pending)
oh, and it was 6:41 pace. felt easy too
PM - stretching and core, no run. could have done 5 and felt fine but i also think i'd recover faster if i just pick things back up tomorrow. shoulder feels 90% back to normal because i iced it as soon as i got home this morning; the bigger problem is my hands. one has a blood blister that kept bleeding throughout the day and the other absorbed some of the fall and is extremely sore in the lower palm. anyway; should be good to run that 12 back tomorrow and get a good long run in on sunday to start off a good ass month of training. bet on it!
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| | AM - 12 miles, 6:14 pace. honestly didn't even really try to run fast; the pace just kept dropping as the sun came out and i loosened up. ran the last 10 miles in 61:32, the last 5 in 30:02, and the last 2 in 5:51 and 5:52. definitely see why weight training is important; those last couple miles i was starting to get a little tired but my form stayed strong so the pace kept dropping. 140 bpm avg HR to reassure myself i wasn't out of my depth this morning
sotd: faaip de oiad - tool. giving the title to the most terrifying song i know of in honor of halloween. i've heard it probably 100 times and it still gives my soul goosebumps every listen
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