AM - warmed up 3 miles on the track, did my drills and strides then one of those black SUVs cops usually drive pulled up and parked by the gate. i'd hopped a fence to get in and figured i was in trouble so i just jogged over to the gate and waited, for about 10 minutes. eventually i figured i'd jog over to the other side out of the line of view and hop over the fence and bail, but as i was i noticed the guy get out and hop the fence himself. turned out he was just a guy walking around the track. i did another stride to get my body ready again but my right ankle felt off. not exactly hurting, and it felt fine when i jogged back to my car, but when i went fast it felt a bit uncomfortable. whatever. it's raining all sunday so this gives me a chance to do my long run in better weather tomorrow
PM - stretching + hips. knee is feeling off again; i think i'm gonna need to see a chiropractor in the morning to nip it in the bud. that probably means i'm doing the long run on the treadmill on sunday, which sounds gross