AM - 4 miles before breakfast. Felt real good so the pace was a bit quicker. It was actually fall weather today, I had to wear a long sleeve shirt because it was in the 50's! Very windy.
PM - 8 miles. My main trainers have almost 500 and 600 miles on them, and I'm really not too fond of the structures, they're kind of clunky. The pegasi have done me real well in the past.
An idea(or two) about upcoming training:
I think I'm going to do an easy run in the morning from now on for Monday-Friday, and a real session in the afternoon, either a faster-paced run or an actual workout. I'll do a long run on Saturday. I think I might start taking Sunday's off again, which has been an on again/off again thing for me, but last November was a time where I was really hitting some quick paces, and what I was doing was fast stuff every time I ran, and taking Sunday's off