5 easy in the morning, overslept and had job training at 8 so couldn't get in my morning 10.
10 miles sweating pounds off at 1PM.
5 at 8PM. Uh oh... I think I love triples. For those who haven't experienced it, there's a certain relief you feel during the second run of the day when you got all of the hard running out on the first run, so you can just take it easy and think about how much you enjoy the activity... the feeling you get from this on the third run is 10 times better. Also was listening to Late Registration during it, it's been my favorite album since I first heard it 10 years or so ago but I hadn't listened in a while and I forgot by how great of a margin it's my favorite album. Addiction, Crack Music, Roses, Gone, and Hey Mama, among other tracks, resonate within me like nothing else.