total time 91:57. goal was sub 90 minute negative split run. It was 81 degrees at 4:40 am (23 degrees hotter than last Saturday) and that affected me. splits 9:19, 8:59, 9:01, 9:02, 8:58, 8:55, 8:59, 9:31, 9:36, 9:38. I drank about 20 ounces of water during the run. At the 3 mile mark I left a water bottle. I drank 11 ounces over the first 7 miles (half a 5.5 oz bottle at 2,4,5, and 6 miles). drank another 9-10 oz total divided at miles 7, 8, 9. I still lost 4.6 lbs on the run and just couldn't keep pushing those last 3 miles. As it is I didn't blow up but I did stopp briefly at the beginning of each of the last 3 miles. average HR 123.