AM - Track - 12X200
Warm-up: 1mile, 4X100 sprint/glides 12X200 with 1:30 recovery: 35, 38, 37, 37, 37, 37, 36, 39, 39, 40, 40, 39. Cool Down: 1 mile
Started out with the first 7 int really kicking my butt. The workout allows a 3-5 sec variation in intervals. So I backed off a little and that made all the difference to finish and still get a good quality workout. We did this same workout 2 weeks ago and I was hitting 35's consistently!! Next week is 4x1000!
PM - CrossFit: As many rounds as possible in 8:00 of: 7 Back Squats 7 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups (C2B)
6 rounds with 175lbs the first 3 rounds and then down to 125lbs the last 3 rounds on the squats. I was falling forward from just pure exhaustion!