I was planning to do a bike ride this morning but it has rained hard all day. I'll run in a heavy rain but I'll usually pass on biking if it's raining hard. I went to the gym in town and hoped to ride the upright bike [they only have one] but it was taken. I didn't have a lot of time so I did the eliptical at a fairly intense pace for 30 min. Then hopped on a treadmill with a few min. left. started at 8 min pace but continued to up the pace until 6:40 to finish at least 1 mile before I had to go. 7:12 pace
Ran 4 recovery miles in the rain. It reminded me of the STG mar exept it was 15 deg colder, I only had a headwind half the time today, and when I did have a headwind it wasn't near as strong today. 9:03 pace |