4.18 mi, 49:44, 11:55/mi. Long run gone wrong. Driving up to the Elbe hills trailhead, went from a snow dusting to 2' in the span of 1/4 mile. Unfortunately, that 1/4 mile was on a steep hill where no turnaround was possible. Then got stuck trying to turn around. Another truck showed up with a tow strap and got me loose. Turns out he was looking for a turnaround spot too. So we both decided to stick together and to push forward to the next level spot where we thought we could turn. Where I got stuck again. Twice. The second time, the other truck got stuck trying to get me loose. So here we are, two 4x4 trucks, stuck in the snow. Thankfully, a jeep with a winch showed up and got us both out of trouble. When I finally drove back out of the snow, I parked and ran back to the turn around and onto the trails. Post-holed up to my knees for a short time, then headed back and called it a day. |