I struggled through one of those runs, you know what type I am talking about. It was also cold and windy as a storm is moving in. Whew, glad that run is behind me now. Providence hills run with canyon extention.
T-64:34 (7:11) 164
** On the drive into work I watched an accident. Guy speeding straight through a red light while a girl turned left when the light changed red but he wasn't clear yet and they crunched good. The guy ended up in the ditch and the girl lost her front bumper and left front corner of her car. It could've been a lot worse. I stuck around until I could tell they were ok, then I left. Don't tell the cops. The van in front of me stuck around as a witness so I felt ok leaving.
I hit the treadmill to avoid the single digit weather. Wuss. The treadmill wasn't too bad today. I was able to complete the 9 miles scheduled for the day and be done. Now I will have time to play some basketball late this evening. Uhh, is that ok Beth?
AM: Easy 6 (7:20) in the morning. Yep, on the treadmill again. Watched the first of the Bourne Ultimatum. Will do 3 more late tonight.
PM: Yep, did the 3 (7:30 ave) more...miles in the evening as planned. I am beat. It has been a busy week at work and I am drained. Lily has not been feeling well, so sleep has also been harder. But I have to admit, Bethany has suffered the worst from Lily's sickness. She is a great mother/wife thats I can say.
Small workout today. First real one since the injury. It went pretty well. The goal was to run 7 min pace for 3 miles then run 3-5 at tinman tempo (6:15-6:30) then the remainder at 7. I ended up with most of the slower miles around 6:45 with the tempo miles in 6:27, 6:20, 6:20, 6:22. The slowest mile was on the Planet walk due to the snowy slick trail. Oh, and I didn't know it at the time but I was only 3 seconds off my course (Young Ward Loop via Planet Walk) PR, sooo close. The wost part of the run was the warming of the hands once I got home. Ouch, super painful.
T-1:06:53 (6:37) ave HR 168 (still a tad high, but getting better)