3 mile run again with Ears around the park. Calves are still knotted and the IT band is painful. I've never had a sore IT band before. So this is a new journey trying to work that sucker out. 58.6 mile bike ride around the entire valley (if you consider the area around STG a valley). Did 2.6 around the the park and stuff getting things ready. Then out on the real ride for another 56 miles at an avg of 21 mph. This is the fastest ride so far for me. I tried to ride all the uphills really aggressive and then keep it rolling on the rest. By the last 10 miles I was wearing down and couldn't attack the uphills anymore:) But really happy with the ride considering before I left the house my legs were sore. 2:41:30 for the 56 miles give or take. my phone battery died with about 14 miles left but the calculated estimate is very close if not erring on the slow side.