Hiked the Subway in Zion NP today. Total distance is anywhere from 11-8 miles. We never got a straight answer from anyone in person or print. But I do know it took us 6 hours of just hiking time and a little over 7 hours to get back to the truck. That said this hike is freaking amazing. Plus we had to swim through slot canyons in (freezing) water over our heads, while trying to keep our backpacks from getting wet. Once in the water section we put our packs in a garbage bag and then tried to "float" them in front of us... all my stuff still got soaked. But Mik'L's sayed fairly dry. The water was paralyzingly cold and in the canyon we didn't get full sun until after 12:30 p.m. So I was pretty cold most of the time. The views were amazing and it was fun to repel down the cliff sections. It was really fun watching my little wifey do all this stuff. She was a trooper and made it through the day in an impressive fashion. Anyways by the time we got home (left town at 7 a.m back at 5 p.m) I was hungry and tired. I had a big dinner and decided I wasn't going to be able to run this evening because the food woud take at least 2-3 hours to digest before I was ready to run... Great Day!