So yesterday morning I stepped on a nail. Well not a nail per say but a twig that jammed between my toes in the web of my foot. Then it broke off and left me with the biggest slivers I've ever had. Not to mention the most painful. I walked around on it all day yesterday and finally had Mik'L get the tweezers last night to do some "surgery" to extract it. It was beyond pain... just horrible but she managed to yank it out. But today my foot is pretty sore and most likely I'm going to take a full day of rest. One for the foot. Two because I'm trashed and maybe the heat of the summer is getting to me. Three because a little rest should help with a better race tomorrow. So there you have it a big fat ZERO for the day. Unless I get antsy this afternoon and I may do like 4 but it's unlikely. 3.4 miles on the treadmill this afternoon. I got antsy and had to mow the lawn anyways so I did an EZ pace 30 min's on the machine. After the run and chores were done I soaked in the new swimming hole in the ditch behind my house. Very nice!