20 miles on the elliptical this morning in 91 min's . I'm not sure how to convert these cross training miles over to real one... I looked up Paul's blog and it looks like he give himself a mile for every 10 min's on the elliptical. That formula sounds about right. If there is someone out there who has a more scientific way to measure it then speak up. The quad was pretty tight and actually a little swollen this morning. But the elliptical machine didn't seem to bother me. I'll most likely go back tonight and keep the two a day workout schedule in place. 11.5 mile on the elliptical this evening in 50 min's. Using the machine isn't the same as running but it is giving me an o.k. burn. I can tell it uses some different muscles than running. My fanny is sore from hopping along on the machine today. The quad is sore when I stretch it but maybe deep down inside it may feel just a little better than yesterday... |