12.2 mile run this morning. Standard Loop. It was a little hard to make the turn around this morning after running last night later, biking home, and then getting to bed late. Getting up wasn't easy and running wasn't cool. But I worked through it and came home to a cold bath. It seems to feel good right now and I've been taking them after every run. (Blue Stratus 405.5) 8.8 mile run this afternoon up over the hill trail around GS and home the longer way. For some reason I wanted to brave the heat today. It was 103 in the shade when I took off. I started with a wet shirt and hat, and I also had a bottle of water. The shirt was completely dry after 1.6 miles, but it didn't seem to get too bad. I made the water last until 5 miles where I repeated the entire process again at the golf course. All things considered it really wasn't too bad... Came home and was just on the brink of cracking though. As I walked through our gate I started to get very dizzy and felt a puke coming. After I got some fluid I took a nice cold bath. (Red Stratus 396.6)