4 easy, no watch.
I had my first appointment with the PT. I'm visiting the running clinic with the U of U. Bottom line is in light of the clear MRI and the intermittent nature of my pain, there's a good chance this is a nerve issue. The doc says I need a couple tweaks to my form. I overstride a bit (cadence was 168 at 7:30 pace) and I stick my butt out a little. So working to fix those issues.
I haven't always been the best with sticking to PT routines, but I'm all in for this. Don't want to waste the last few years of PR ability, and what I've been doing is clearly not working. Quicken the cadence, tuck in my hips, only run every other day (for now), and do the exercises. I can do that.
I tried the tweaks to my form on this run, and it didn't feel great. A quicker cadence at easy pace feels like shuffling.