AM - I got to the track with plenty of time this morning for an interval workout, and things went pretty well.
I ran a 9 minute warmup, a couple of strides, and dove right into the workout. The idea was to do 6 x 1000m with 2:00 rest at 5k pace. I wanted to start at 3:08 and work down to 3:00 or just under, but I had a really hard time dropping the pace. The first three weren't too bad (3:08, 3:07, 3:06) and I was feeling strong still, but from the fourth one on I was really struggling.
The fourth was 3:05, and I thought I had it in me to drop down to the 3:00 range, but the fifth rep was getting painful (3:06) and I started the sixth with just the hope to maintain pace. I came through the first lap okay (:59) but dropped to 1:02 on the next lap. I was wavering towards dopping out, but I thought about my goals and knew I had it in me to finish, and I was able to open the throttle for a :57 last lap, plus the 20 or so meters to the finish for 3:05.
So average time ended up at 3:06.17, certainly one of my best workouts ever. Just before my 5k pr, my HS coach had us do 5x1000m with about 3:00 rest on a slightly hilly course, and I believe I averaged 3:10. It's hard to compare the two, but at worst I should be well within pr range. Later AM - I am loving the weather! I got 5 more miles in up Canyon Rd in Provo, it was nice and warm, sunny.... I never knew 40 degrees could feel so good. I headed out in 7:00 pace and came back in about 6:42 pace. I didn't mean to speed up, it just happened.