We did one mile warm-up, then we did 2 laps of speed changes. Then the workout was 4x1 mile repeats. We were supposed to get progressively faster each mile. I was supposed to hit 6:25, 6:20, 6:15, and 6:10. I ran a 6:26, 6:20, 6:14, and a 6:01. We jogged 2 laps in between each mile for recovery. The first two felt good and were pretty easy. The third one was definetly the hardest. After that one I wanted to quit, and thought there was no way I would be able to hit a 6:10, but Emily told me to just stay positive and pretend like it was the end of a race. I did and was able to hit a 6:01. It felt pretty easy and I think I maybe could have went faster on the other ones. For a cooldown we jogged up to sunnyside park. We did a lap around and then back which was a mile and a half. I didn't take any ibuprophen before the workout and my leg didn't hurt too bad. I took some this morning but it probably had worn off by the workout. I'm going to try to cut back on the ibuprophen and see if I can be completely off of it by next week. |