Today I went for an easy run to keep my legs loose. I decided to wear the garmin just for fun to see what my heart rate was. I ran 4 miles, starting from my house. I ran up to wasatch and then out on wasatch a little bit and then back home. My average heart rate was 174 and my max heart rate was 186. This run has alot of hills so I averaged 9:28 per mile, with a total time of 37:52. It was really windy, but other than that the weather was good.
After my run, we went up to Ogden to certify the 30k. We had some problems and by the time we were half-way through it was dark, cold, and rainy, and we didn't know where to go so we went home and are going to try it tomorrow. I ended up biking like 25 miles, and I didn't get home till 12:30. |