Happy Thanksgiving! I am so very thankful that Dean, and I, and our family, are healthy, and that I am running. So, I am re-arranging my schedule this week so we can go to some friends house for thanksgiving dinner. It was pretty much impossible for me to fit in two runs, and get to their house early ... so, I will back-load the mileage (added stress for long run - I will be tired going into it, not always a bad thing). I was happy to see my time today - my schedule called for 80 mins with the last 20` at 1/2 marathon effort. I did not feel very good going into this run, I am not sure why, probably late start and poor eating last week. So, after the run I looked at my watch and saw that the last 2 + a little miles were in 15:30 (my easy run pace for this segment is ~18:50) - so it was pretty close to 7:20 pace with stupendeous hills. I was pretty happy! Now I feel even thankier than before! |