AM: (1:09:45,8.5 miles). I was supposed to be doing 3 x 2000 w/2:30 tempo interval pace (6:44-6:57 pace) recovery + 3 x 200 w/200 recovery. I did not have a track, but I did have easy access to the Rock Creek Trail, which has mile markers. So, I figured I would run miles and then add on 1:40 or so. It was 23F and windy. I also woke up at 5:30 AM with a seriously sore throat ... took an ambien (before I saw that it was 5:30, but after I felt my sore throat, dumb me ;-)). I had a conference call early this morning -- so I sort of overslept when I woke up at 8:30 AM (East Coast time -- 6:30 my time -- which was also oversleeping!). Anyway ... my friend Lara (who I am staying with -- and her 3 kids, beautiful petri dishes that they are) - is a pediatrician and when I told her that my throat hurt she said, "you won't feel it after a couple of miles, you are fine" -- ha ha ... so much for sympathy ;-). She was correct. My legs feel incredibly good -- though they are looking kind of fat to me, how does that happen? is it taper-goggles? -- and I did not feel badly. Since these are on the road, with all the hills, chilly headwind, etc. I was not expecting to hit my target at all, and was actually thinking that I would be happy with 7:30s given my health. Instead: 7:09 +1:45, 1:56 + 6:53, 2:00 + 6:45. (the last two I did the "extra 400 meters before the mile marker - the last mile had a goodly amount of downhill - this compensated for the extra meters I was running ;-)). I was quite surprised with this. And, I decided, Lara was right, I am fine -- no matter how aweful I seem to be feeling!! I am hoping to get to my hotel and sleep early tonight ... PM: easy 3.5 (30 mins). I usually would rather run in a blizzard than run on the treadmill, but I think today I will do the treadmill because I am actually quite cold. Happy Thursday!! |