I was very very sick yesterday. I had to work, but I really felt bad (no pain, just weak and really sick). I feel better today. It is 75 outside, and after the 95-100F of the past week I just have to get outside. I don't think I can run yet (based on my set-back yesterday), but I will hold out for maybe Saturday and today I will try to walk for a while. Not running is horrible. Although, yesterday was super duper bad, so it does make me nervous to run. So, after starting off to do a walk, I just decided if I am going to feel like heck anyway, it might as well be because of "running" -- so I jogged (slowly, 40:53). Even if I "pay" for it later, I just wanted to RUN. And, I was happy to say, it felt good to be running. Dumb, probably, but happy, most definitely ;-) I hope you are all having beautiful running weather that only the Spring can bring!! Thanks for the comments friends ... see you in JUNE!!!