AM: (7.5 miles). Radiation run, pretty fast 1:05:23. Had to rush home to take Jake the hound dog to the vet. He has been limping for about 4 weeks now. At first I thought maybe it was just a little "sprain" from running around at daycare (yes, he is spoiled, actually it is more that we are too busy to make sure he gets enough exercise so 2x/week we take him to run around with other dogs for the day). Well, he had Valley Fever and was treated for a year right after we move here, his lungs were FULL of fibrosis on the x-ray and there was a little spot of something in his "shoulder". The vet is not sure if it the Valley Fever rearing its head again ... or all that stuff was residual from his last bout. So, we are waiting for a viral titer and giving him doggy NSAIDS. PM: 4.5 easy. I am so worried about the next 2 months. I am waaaay overwhelmed with work as it is and this coming Wednesday I start my new job! For the next 8 weeks or so I will be working 1/2 time at two jobs. IT is going to be crazy. Seriously, crazy! |