1:14:22 ... 97.5F (27% humidity - which doesn't sound like much to you guys in the real humid climes -- but for here? that is pretty humid ;-)). We had a monsoon storm and small haboob yesterday -- it was awesome, AND monsoon season doesn't "start" until this coming Wednesday -- so I am hoping that it means it will be a wet summer this year. The temperature dropped from 102F to 82F in 2 hours! very nice. Although today it is back to the usual 109F or so, and by Thursday it will be 111F or so. I will say it again, I don't like it during the summer. Even though I am acclimated enough that it doesn't kill me, I don't like it ;-). The storm also meant a huge number of gnats -- I ended up with three of them in the same eye over the course of this hour run (their little hairy legs hurt when you blink!). I stopped by to see CoCo and Big Boy. I found out that, sadly, their owner is selling CoCo and Big Boy is going back to the "race horse retirement home". It is so expensive right now (hay is very expensive because of the drought) that their owner just can't afford to keep them. This probably won't happen until the Fall, so I need to make sure I go back as much as possible during the Summer, so I can see them a lot before they go. I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday!!