We did our long run this morning. It took some tricky coordinating. Craig was on call and Mary's husband was out of town. I hired a babysitter to sleep over last night and Mary brought Kate over this morning. We divided the run up into 4 legs. Leg #1: 6 miles from my house to Mary's. It took nearly the whole 6 to get warmed up! I was feeling pretty good by the time we got there though. Took some chomps and some beans--a tasty energy boost! Leg #2: 4 mile neighborhood loop. I was energized and felt strong. It seemed like a lot of uphill. Was that my imagination? Leg #3: another 4 mile loop from Mary's house. "Franklin loop." Went by pretty quickly. We stopped one last time at our nutrition station for the final 6 back to my house. Leg #4: 6 back to my house. The sun warmed things up quite a bit by this time. It was pretty muggy too. At the corner right by my house there was a fatal crash this morning. As Mary drove to my house, they wouldn't let her through--she had to do a big loop to get to my house another way. On this last leg, we saw a mangled car that had crashed with a diesel. So crazy that it was so close to my house... Scary. All in all, a good run. Glad it's done! Pace: 9:37. Walked 10+ seconds at each mile