frustrated today. I woke up out of my sleep with horrid ankle pain. It's not swollen, I don't understand. I can't hardly walk. Went to the Y and did 60 minutes bike and 20 mintues elliptical. The ache in my ankle is intolerable and I am forced to take motrin by the clock or I can't stand it. This is unusual since I have a very high pain tolerance. None of my injuries have ever hurt like this. Also, despite rigid clean eating I continue to be bloated and gain weight. This is no fun, friends, no fun. The trail run last week was great, really great, made me feel like an athlete again, but inside I know that it was actually an underperformance, because I can run much faster and harder when I am 100%. Now I am motivated, but not physically fit. I am thinking it is finally time to throw in the towel and go to the doctor, both for the ankle and to figure out if something hormonally is going wrong. A little TMI boys, but I am cycling every 2-3 weeks which is ridiculous so I am almost in a constant state of PMS. I think I will call the doc tomorrow. |