Started the day with 8 chilly miles. Felt good during the run and averaged 7:30/mile. Got home, picked up Ashton and went to the Turkey Trot at the South Davis Rec Center. I didn't think that Ashton wanted to run it but he has been running a lot in PE so he wanted to give it a go. I told him that he could set the pace and I wouldn't try to push him at all. This was the first time that I was in a race without racing. It was a strange feeling. I still found myself sizing up the competition and getting the usual pre-race jitters. The first mile went really well (9:50) but he was feeling it. Saw Fly running with his daughter. We walked a little after 1.25 miles and then ran to the 2 mile marker (11:11). Ran for another half mile then he had to walk a little again. Told him that once we hit the last turn, I wanted him to stretch out his legs and really push (3rd mile was 11:09). He really pushed hard the last little so he definitely could have run faster. I don't think he realized what a 5k is supposed to feel like so held back during the race. I was still really proud of him because before school started he got really out of shape and I was surprised that he even wanted to do this. After the 5k my girls ran in the kids k. Gracie took off way too fast (she is incredibly competitive) and felt really bad after the race. I tried to explain to her if I don't feel that way after a race then I know I didn't push hard enough. I think Emma isn't fully recovered from being sick so I ran with her at a more leisurely pace. It was a lot of fun and am glad that I was able to run a 5k without dry heaving at the end. After the race, I went back to the finish line to see Kathie finish the 10K and was surprised that she was already done. She ran a really great race and can't wait to read the report (whenever she gets around to writing it).