AM - Thanksgiving Point Half this morning. Jake and I decided to run this as a marathon pace tempo run after getting entries earlier this week. The rule was to run no faster than marathon pace since I ran a hard half last weekend and Jake ran the marathon 12 days ago. And if either of us could get in the prize money, that would be nice too! The race started and I immediately let Julie Thomas and Arianne Brown set the pace. We came through the first mile in 6:23. Perfect!! I was so excited that they were running my exact goal pace (along with a couple guys as well). We cruised through the first few miles on the road. Then the course got interesting. We meandered through the gardens from miles 3.5-7, weaving around islands, running on cobblestone path, up hills and down hills, and with lots of turns. It was actually pretty fun! Miles 8-12 were all on the golf course. This part felt like a cross country course! There were so many short steep hills and downhills with a significant turns at the bottom...brought me back to my high school days (although much more enjoyable). I lost the other girls through this section and ended up running the majority of the race with this guy named Dan Vargo (not Dan Varga from the blog, weird!). At mile 11, we were both ready for FLAT. The rest of the course was just that, and we both picked up the pace pretty significantly though the last mile. I came in 1st with a time of 1:24:15 - right on for my goal. The overall time is a little slower than marathon pace, but the course is rather challenging and at altitude so it felt like the right effort. Splits were 6:24, 6:23, 6:11, 6:24, 6:39, 6:31, 6:35, 6:32, 6:33, 6:27, 6:49, 6:21, 6:26 for 1.1 (5:54 pace).
After a 1-2 minute recovery, Melody, Jake and I went for a long cooldown. It was so nice to finally meet Melody - she won the 5k this morning only 12 days after her marathon! We ran around 5 and I got 19 miles for the day. The after-race party was super fun. So many friends there! I got to chat with Preston and his wife, RAD, Smooth (so nice to finally meet her too!), Toby, Scott Keate, the Altramaniacs, our very own Dan V, Melody, Lily (who got 2nd in the 5k!), Carina, Riley, Walter (1st master), Jake, and lots of others too. Oh yeah - I got a sweet champion cup too! 