I forgot to mention this:
On 23 April, after more than a month of severe pain in both my shins (but especially the right), I have been diagnosed with multiple cortical stress fractures in both tibias. I am not allowed to run, jump, or even use the elliptical machine for two months. One month into this exile, I am growing as a human and runner and finding that my inner peace can be derived from things other than running and soccer. Ha ha, just kidding, I'm still super frustrated and I miss running. But so it goes. EDIT: By the way, in the meantime I am swimming, lifting weights a lot, and doing work on the boat. It's frustrating to be poorly insured and not sure of your doctor. I am beginning to realize that his priority was NOT my running-- he didn't put me in an air cast and just said, "don't do any type of running at all for two months." What I have realized based on his comments is that he thought I had an eating disorder, was suffering from the "female athlete triad," and didn't need to be running, even though I explained to him that actually, as a referee, it's of paramount importance that I be able to run again as soon as possible, because I get paid to do it.
I'm pretty offended by that (obvi) and have made an appointment with a female sports doctor. She's excellent and advises the local university's womens' teams. The downside is that because she's so in demand, my appointment isn't until July 25. I don't really feel comfortable running until I talk to her, because if I'm not recovered by the beginning of fall season, I'll be missing out on experience and money by not refereeing. So, for now, more swimming and I'm starting on elliptical this week. I have this neat "Swim a Mile in Six Weeks" program-- I'm on week 5! Also very skilfully whacked my shin in exactly the broken place while sailing this weekend and the pain was waking me up all night on Sunday and Monday. Yeeeouch