am-well, me and ness ended up being in the second heat which was really good for me. I started out strong, and there was a girl from westlake that i was kinda battleing with for the first few laps. then i stuck the lead. holt really made me focus on things everytime i ran by. he made sure i was listening then hed tell me exactly what to do. i dont think i have ever responded to what he has said any better than that. also surge zones saved me haha idk why i havent been incorperating those the whole entire season! anyways, it was solid. thought my time woulda been faster but, its whatever...yet again another step in the right direction
shoutout to my beast sister for freaking breaking the school record. also my other sister ry for qualifying for state! also, my good friend claire for trying new things and totally being a stud. also dylan with a sq. man our team is full of insparation after insparation. im so grateful to be apart of something so great. also idk if ive ever had more fun.