4:20 Am is when the call of the wild begins my day for “Tin man Tuesday.†Met up with The Band of brothers, James and Dave. Also Clyde, Logan, Steve, And Dustin. James, Dave and Clyde seemed a little quiet! I guess what happens at high altitude training stays at high Altitude training. Only the Mountains and the tall timbers will someday reveal their secrets?
I miss my friend Big foot who was at least is in sight during this run. We started out with an easy 3 mile warm up. Then off we start into the darkness like wolves looking for rabbits. 1. 6:45 2. 7:02 3. 6:47 4. 7:08 5. 6:55 6. 6:50 7. 6:44 8. 6:46. Avg 6:52 |