Did two sessions of physical therapy and again amazed the PT how well I'm responding. Walked up and down the hall twice in the afternoon and evening with a walker. Practice standing up without putting weight on the left leg. No real pain in the femur or pelvic, but I can feel the lateral and posterior cracks in the ribs. Tomorrow more of the same. Just improve each day and be patient for a long time. Tomorrow will be 6 days in the hospital. My hotel hollywood. One good note my wife got me a ultimate grilled chicken sandwhich from Wendy's. I've ate nothing but healthy stuff since the accident. They started letting me eat on Friday. Not eating a lot just enough to get protein and nutrients in the body. I've ate nothing but healthy things like I said. I bypassed the Hospital dinner choice which was Roast Beef with Gravy and Chocolate Pudding with whip cream for the Wendy's grilled chicken sandwhich. I got to pick my menu for tomorrow. My goal words: Trust in God and improve each day.