I got 8 hours of sleep last night again and it was great. I think I'm getting the rest that I really needed. This morning it was chilly outside at 35 degrees. I wore a singlet and a long sleeve shirt, gloves, cap and shorts. My plan was to do about a 7 mile warm-up than 6 x Yasso 800s. But when I was approaching to go to the school track a train was stuck right where I needed to cross so I bagged that idea. I then decided to d a 2 X 1600 with a half mile rest. First miles was 5:48 (flat) and second mile 5:47 (flat). There was a pretty good wind blowing so that made me work hard, but it was worth it. This was pretty good after doing already two faster runs this week. Totals 11.55 miles in 7 minute pace in 1:20. (Asics Banditos 105.5 miles)