Busy day making this blog entry so late.
I got 7 hours of sleep last night so I felt pretty much rested. From Friday to Sunday my wife and I spend probably two hours at home and the rest doing other things so it was a busy weekend of fun (using our ATV's) and church related things. I found just enough time to get the lawn mowed.
This morning I ran 11.3 miles at an overall 7:03 pace in 1:19. My legs felt real energized for the first Monday starting a week in a long time. This week I have the Pocatello Sprint Trathlon and I feel I will do decent. I will wear my singlet to promote the fastrunningblogs site and St. George running store. The 5k run portion will be good to get some speed in on Saturday. This week I will cut the miles back probably to 70 miles. I feel I need to taper good before the Poky Marathon. (Mizuno Precision 8 - 510.5)