I finally have my dr's appointment set up for next Monday. I will wait then to run, providing there's nothing wrong. Instead I have been doing some strength training, including the shred. I'm on level 2 and probably will stay there for a while (till it gets pretty easy). This week I am painting my kids' room (sponge painting a periwinkle kinda color) and then working out afterward. Eli usually flits in while I am doing the video part of my workout and joins me the best he can. This time Caleb and Eli both joined me. Caleb did the whole thing with me. He was a little shaky on the strength parts, but he insisted on using weights (I have those bowflex weights and some other dumbells, so I gave him the bowflex dumbells set to 2.5 lbs). But he stuck with it till the end and was very excited when we were stretching at the end because he does some of those stretches in gym class. It was very cute. Now if I could only get my husband to join in...I've been wearing him down, I think.