I haven't been keeping track of fast miles/slow miles lately, but I guess I'll start that up again. My husband got home today and I relinquished control of the kids to him for the time being. I guess I'll have to be helpful for the rest of spring break, but only because of Eli's arm. He went on a fun trip out to AZ and brought me back a turquoise necklace as a peace offering.
wu 2 miles, 3 x 1.5 at 10K pace with .25 recovery, 3.1 miles cd. Avg. pace: 8:20. Pace for fast portions: 7:20, 7:22, 7:35. Darn that 3rd one. Please keep up prayers for Luke. He had a rough night last night. He is now on a breathing tube and is pretty heavily sedated.