They all can't be "easy" runs.

March 07, 2025

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Member Since:

Oct 31, 2012



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

21:01, (6:46 pace) 11-19-11.
20:08, (6:29 pace) 9-1-12 (Part of a Mini-Triathlon Relay).
19:17, (6:12 pace) 11-17-12.
19:19, (6:13 pace) 11-23-13.
19:30, (6:17 pace) 1-4-14.
20:34, (6:34 pace) 9-13-14
19:49, (6:23 pace) 10-25-14
19:32, (6:17 pace) 11-22-14
19:40, (6:19 pace) 12-19-14
19:49, (6:23 pace) 1-31-16

34:42, (6:57 pace) 3-17-12.
32:11, (6:28 pace) 3-16-13.
32:32, (6:33 pace) 3-15-14. 

34:00, (6:50 pace) 3-14-15.

33:09, (6:40 pace) 3-11-17.

32:56, (6:38 pace) 3-17-18.

44:18, (7:08 pace) 4-14-12.
41:22, (6:39 pace) 12-15-12.
42:11, (6:47 pace) 4-13-13.
41:06, (6:37 pace) 12-8-13.

42:03, (6:46 pace) 3-5-16

44:35, (7:11 pace) 8-26-17
53:53, (7:14 pace) 3-24-12.
49:20, (6:37 pace) 3-1-14
1:18:16, (8:24 pace) 2-26-11.

1:04:37. (6:56 pace) 2-20-16

1:08:25 (7:18 pace) 2/22/20

Half Marathons:

1:37:57 (7:28 pace) 1-26-20. Fort Lauderdale - A1A 
14 Marathons:
1.  4:12:08, (9:37 pace) 1-9-11. Disney.
2.  4:18:18, (9:51 pace) 10-30-11. MCM.
3.  3:42:26, (8:29 pace) 1-14-12. Charleston.
4.  3:13:15, (7:22 pace) 10-7-12. Steamtown.
5*.  3:12:26, (7:20 pace) 1-19-14. Louisiana.
6*.  3:14:06, (7:24 pace) 4-21-14. Boston.
7*.  3:19:38, (7:37 pace) 7-19-14. U. of Okoboji.
8*.  3:16:27, (7:30 pace) 2-22-15. Mercedes-Benz
9*. 3:30:38 (8:03 pace) 5-15-16 Sugarloaf

10. 3:24:21 (7:48 pace) 11-5-16 Savannah RNR

11. 3:27:37 (7:56 pace) 5-12-18 Brookings

12. 3:46:02 (8:38 pace) 10-7-18 Towpath

13. 3:35:11 (8:13 pace) 9-12-21 Med City

14. 3:45:45 (8:37 pace) 4-16-23 Coastal Delaware

* = These 5 races were run at 67.9 seconds per pound. If I want a PR, I need to weigh less than 170 pounds.

Short-Term Running Goals:

2024 GOALS:

to not get fat

Long-Term Running Goals:

Continue running as often as I can, as far as I can, as fast as I can. Teaching my kids (by example) the rewards that come from putting in the work. Very slowly get to 50 states.


I'm married, with two sons, 18, and 19.

I started running because someone dared me to.

I ran my first race 3 days after my 40th birthday. (Disney)

My profile picture story:

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Miles:This week: 8.00 Month: 16.00 Year: 232.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Race was cut short because of the conditions. I have had a great time in Savannah. I am disapointed that I can't cross Georgia off my list. There is only so long that you can argue with a state trooper at mile 19. It was stupid hot and humid. I don't blame the race diector for shutting it down. I saw my share of folks leaving the race via ambulence. Someone died out there today, It seems a bit early to turn the 3:20 crowd around, but it's not my call. I have no idea how I placed today, because they turned everyone aroud at the same time. So the leader board has me as finishing 50th, behind some folks that ran 16 miles. It doesn't matter. I survived. After the sun came at mile 14, and punched me in the face, I changed my goal to 3:30. After some heated words with the officer, my goal changed to having fun. I did. I would have could have finished, and in ugly fashion, but was not allowed. After the race, I played some two hand touch. Me and my kids vs. A local dad (that did not run) and his kids. My legs are going to be hot garbage tomorrow.

Edit: - Added 11/15/15. About the race course. Not as flat as I was promised. Louisiana was much flatter. Especially on the second half. The majority of the second half is run on interstate overpass. Which is almost as exciting as it sounds. It is a long, boring stretch out to Savannah State University, and then back again. When you get there, the kids are really enthusiastic, but it is really a long boring haul out there. The frist 5 miles is through a fairly rough neighborhood. Literaly and figuratively. There was gravel on the road in places. Some folks were very politely protesting some police violence at mile 2. I could hear no band as we passed them, and through the thick fog, and the sound only of runners breathing and footsteps, it was a freakishly somber moment for a race. In short, this would be a decent place for a half, but not great for a full marathon. At least, not like they have it set up now.

This was my first Rock and Roll event. I feel like they had some planning issues. The expo / packet pickup is on Hutchinson Island, on the other side of the river. Since I was there when the place opened on Thursday, packet pickup was a breeze for me. If you went on any time on Friday, "Zoo" is the most common expression I've heard, describing things. 18,000 half-ers. 2,000 full runners. The most lop-sided race ever.

I heard from my share of half marathoners after the race that they ran out of water. The slower runners that had no water got angry with the people ahead of them for wasting and hogging all the water. That might be some misdirected hostility. That one is on the race planners, right?

Finally, the shutting down of the race. I get it. But how this was handled was really awful. There are a lot of ways I can get into how bad this is/was, but the best explanation I can give is that at this moment, 8 days after the race, they still have me listed as finishing the race. I have sent them 4 e-mails, explaining what happened on the course. The 2 responses "Ok, But you chip did come across the finish line??? Was someone else wearing your bib?" Wait a minute, slick. Are you saying I wasn't supposed to run the 3 miles to the finish line, where my family was waiting? What was I supposed to do? Whoa, is this because you think I am trying to game you into a free race? Please, I would much rather be done with Georgia. Don't promise a free race to the redirected runners, if you don't mean it.

They need to get a freaking handle on this situation. I am telling you right now that no more than 30 people finished 26.2 miles. The last guy to make it through mile 21 was the 3:15 pacer guy. Go check the results page. Right now it shows 1,249 finishers, with an ALARMING number of BQ's, I might add.

All at once, I am saddened by the lack of honestly of my fellow runners, frustrated by the event directors for not correcting the results in a timely fashion, and anxious to get to another race, so I can wipe this non-race from my memory. Whenever I cross Georgia off my list, I don't think it will be Savannah. And that stinks, because I really, really liked our trip there.


Weight: 0.00
From allie on Sat, Nov 07, 2015 at 16:49:28 from

did you tell the officer you were from florida and you were fine? :) that is crazy that they cancelled the race! what a bummer. it sounds like the conditions were pretty miserable, though. i hope everyone who had complications is okay...and that's really sad that someone died.

i'm glad you are okay and i'm sorry you couldn't finish the race. chalk it up as a good long run and maybe you can find an alternative in the next couple of weeks? or maybe jacksonville in january? i'll be there. :)

From Derunzo on Sat, Nov 07, 2015 at 17:50:10 from

You should have given that Police officer the "double bird". It's an awesome salute that signifies much unhappiness.

Way to be a tough SOB and push as long as you were legally allowed.

From Tom K on Sat, Nov 07, 2015 at 17:59:47 from

There is no doubt i was struggling. But i also have no doubt i would have finished. The Floridian thing doesn't make me immune to the elements, but i'd like to think it makes me a little more aware of my limits. This vacation has been so great, that i can't be too upset about this, I guess. They have already sent me an e-mail to let me know that i have a free RnR race coming to me in the next year. That's the best they can do, and i'm pretty sure they are not obligated to do that.

The second guessing is in full swing over here. If i hadn't made the mid race decision at mile 14 to slow down, would i have beat the cut off? If i beat the cut off, would i be one of the dudes in the ambulance? It's twisting my melon, man!

From Tom K on Sat, Nov 07, 2015 at 18:16:17 from

D, that trooper was not messing around. When i was joined by a couple of other runners, and he felt outnumbered, things changed. A bad situation could have become much worse.

that may be the first time in my life i yelled at an officer. It may take me a couple of times before i get to bird flipping!

From SlowJoe on Sat, Nov 07, 2015 at 18:29:00 from

Noooo. Well, if you only make it to 49 states you'll have a scapegoat....Georgia. Glad it was a fun trip though.

Hot marathons are definitely awful, but that does seem like a pretty conservative call by the race. Still, the free RnR is nice (and I'd say rare with this kind of thing).

Way to slog through what you could.

From Tom K on Sun, Nov 08, 2015 at 15:53:16 from

Interesting. They do not recognize me as one of the runners that got cut off. They think I ran the whole thing.

Yeah, I will notify them. Not because I am a good guy, of course. Because i want the free race. Ha!

From Drew on Sun, Nov 08, 2015 at 17:57:30 from

Wow, that is amazing a race in November was called, but given the circumstances it makes sense. No doubt you could have run through, so that is a rough break.

From I Just Run on Mon, Nov 09, 2015 at 08:07:14 from

Didn't know they would ever stop a race after it started...

From Tom K on Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 19:24:44 from

Added some new stuff and vented a bit. I feel much better.

From allie on Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 19:49:14 from

it's good to put this information out there. i'm not at all surprised that this is the response you are getting from competitor group -- this isn't their first sh*t show (but at least it's not literal this time around).

From flatlander on Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 05:45:00 from

Sorry for your race, one of the more unusual situations I have heard about. Surprising that in the South they wouldn't be afraid of the heat -- then again maybe the R&R guys are not from the South? Boston certainly would not have cancelled. Maybe since you slowed down you can slip into another race soon and take advantage of your training cycle?

From Tom K on Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 06:53:02 from

2011: 1 death.

2013: 1 death.

2015: 2 deaths.

Maybe they should reschedule this thing.

From I Just Run on Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 07:32:38 from

Are you serious... 4 people have died running this marathon? What were the conditions?

From SlowJoe on Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 07:42:06 from

Appreciate the details...somehow it doesn't surprise me that Competitor is trying to weasel out of the free race promise.

At the risk of sounding callous, I think 1 death in 20k runners - many of whom probably shouldn't be taking part in whatever race they entered - is almost expected and not that unusual.

That said, early November is a bit early for a marathon down south. December to February is the sweet spot.

From Jake K on Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 08:22:28 from

Quite an ordeal. You are totally justified in being frustrated about how Competitor is handling the situation... hopefully they'll be sensible and give you your race entry without too much more of a battle. I feel like they do a pretty decent job w/ most of their races, but when it goes bad for them, it REALLY goes bad!

From Tom K on Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 19:46:57 from

I sent a couple of more e-mails. They sent me my free race voucher. They have not updated the results. 11/17/15.

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