OUCH!!! I can't believe how dang sore I am today. At least as bad as the first time I ever ran St. George when I hadn't really done any downhill training. But this year my training was about as good as ever so I can't figure out why I should be so sore! But the weird things is I'm not really that sore in the traditional SG muscle areas (quads/shins) but rather in the hammies and REALLY SUPER BAD in the calves. I guess maybe something about the cold weather and running with almost constant calf cramping the last 9 miles or so just did me in. I also ran in the lighter Banditos rather than the medium-weight DS Trainers so maybe that made things worse. We live and we learn. This might be my last blog entry for a while as I'm in big need of some non-running downtime to get properly healed up. I will be doing some cross-training as I try to not get too bad out of shape, but I'm not sure, is just depends on how my body reacts. I'm commited to not doing any running this week and then either no running or just very slow, recovery type running until the all the lingering lower-ab/glute/groin/hamstring stuff is gone. I guess I could still blog the cross-training but I just kind of feel like I need a break from the blog as well, and take the time I've been spending most days blogging and reading other blogs, and put that time to use elsewhere. Now I hope nobody thinks I'm just being mopey after the race yesterday and over-reacting, I've actually been planning on this for quite a while and I feel pretty good about yesterday and the last year in general. (Just remembered a humorous unrelated tidbit related to the term "over-reaction"....Kim and I were discussing (debating?) the effects of PMS on a women and we got laughing way hard as we wondered how much "ovary-action" had to do with the uh-hum occasional "over-reaction" that possibly occurs during PMS time. Our little inside funny pun/joke now :)). Good luck to everyone in your running and hope life treats you well. I've loved all the support and encouraging words everyone has given me the last year or so. See you down the road a bit and at the races! 2008 has been a great year as I noticed now with getting SGM out of the way Kim and I have both PR'd at every distance. Doesn't get much better than that! I'm looking forward to seeing what 2009 brings!