I Can Do Hard Things

Week starting Feb 10, 2013

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American Fork,UT,

Member Since:

Nov 27, 2009



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

St George Marathon

2011 - 4:11:52 

2017. -4:01:17

2021 - 4:03:05

Salt Lake City Full Marathon

2013 -  4:23:03 

Ogden Marathon

2012 - 3:58:35

2013 - 4:17:20

2014 - 4:02:51

2017 - 3:55:22**

2023 - 3:57:09

Utah Valley Marathon

2019 - 4:05:37 

Top of Utah Marathon

2014 - 4:09:27

Mt Charleston Marathon

2019 - 4:05:33

West Mountain Marathon

2015 - 4:42:34


St George Half Marathon

2012 - 1:55:00

2013 - 2:03:00

2014 - 1:46:00

2015 - 1:48:00

2022-  1:42:45**

Salt Lake City Half Marathon

2012 - 1:51:00

2014 - 1:44:01

Hobble Creek Half Marathon

2001 - 1:40:00**

2011 - 1:45:00

2012 - 1:43:00

2013 - 1:43:00 

2022 - 1:48:53

Ogden Half Marathn

2024 - 1:48:58 - 3rd place in AG

American Fork Half Marathon

2013 - 1:48:24

2014- 1:53:23 (pacing Tim)

2017  - 1:47:54

2018 - 1:48:12

2019 - 1:47:50

Timp Half Marathon

2012 - 1:47:18 

2022 - 1:49:40 (AF Cancer course)

Utah Valley Half Marathon 

2011 - 1:55:00 

Top of Utah Half Marathon

2010 - 1:48:20 

The Haunted Half Provo

2018 - 1:51:28


Goblin Valley 50K

2014 - 5:58

Red Mountain 55K

2018 - 7:31:37

Antelope Island Fall Classic 50K

2017 - 6:14:23

Antelope Island 50 Mile

2015 - 10:10:00

Antelope Island 100 Mile

2018 - 26:53



**Personal Best 



Short-Term Running Goals:



Long-Term Running Goals:

To qualify for Boston


Married for 23 years. I have 18 year old triplets and a 15 year old. I love to sew, garden, and run!

Favorite Running Quotes: 


"Sooner or later the serious runner goes through a special, very personal experience that is unknown to most people.

Some call it euphoria. Others say it's a new kind of mystical experience that propels you into a elevated state of consciousness, a flash of joy.

A sense of floating as you run. This experience is unique to each of us, but when it happens, you break through a barrier that separates you from casual runners. Forever. And from that point on, there is no finish line. You run for your life. You begin to be addicted to what running gives you."  

~Nike Poster

2.           A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


You’ve no doubt heard this.  And you’ve probably recited it in your mind on a run or at the gym when you’re just beginning to get in shape.  You have a goal in sight and this quote brings you back to the current moment.


But the problem is that many runners forget all of the steps between the first one and the goal.  If your goal is to run under two hours for the half marathon then you need to be honest about all of the little steps to get to that goal.


…and what I’d rather see you do is to get the goal out of mind completely, but rather focus on the process, not the outcome. -Jay Johnson Process orientation, not outcome orientation.


You should have goals, but you should take it one step at a time.  And you should be honest about the fact that you don’t know how many steps it will take to get there. ~ Vernon Gambetta


3.  Human beings are made up of flesh, blood and a miracle fiber called COURAGE! ~ George Patton 


4.   Find the courage to be patient.

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 10.69 Month: 40.83 Year: 225.64
2014 - Minutes Lifetime Miles: 28605.00
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1.5 easy miles at home


10 star planks on Bosu (wowzer...those are hard)

20 lying leg raises

40 squats

10 ab cruncher on ball

20 dips

20 side to side jump over foam roller

10 regular push ups

10 girly push ups

20 russian twists with weight

20 donkey kick - last 10 had full circle

2:00 balance on flat side of Bosu

1.5 mile easy run

Ankle felt better than last week but not 100%.  These workouts aren't as hard and I'm not as sore.  I need to figure out how to up my game. 


I registered my baby for kindergarten.  Sigh....  Then I made sugar cookie dough and ate half of it.  Sigh....  Felt like a fatty.  Sigh....  


PM:  Walked 2 miles

Ankle felt even better after the walk.  Interesting. 


Weight: 0.00
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 AM #1:

5 easy miles at the gym.  My friend Kellie (she came with me to the SG Half) happened to walk in the same time I did.  I was SO very glad to see her.  We chatted our way through 5 miles and I was grateful for her company. 


AM #2:

I had a total mental breakdown in my basement gym. Tears were freely flowing and the running demons were charging full force.  "You can never be the runner you want to be" "You will never get there" "You don't have the mental toughness to get through it" "You are NOT good enough to make it to Boston".  I know...I know...silly.  I'm taking this all too serious.  

But I'm sick of these stupid injuries.  I'm tired taking one step forward and two steps back.  Why is this "amazing sport" such a challenge for me?  

I truly hope I can look back at this entry someday and laugh.  But not today. 

Sorry for the weepiness....no need for responses.  I write this madness for my own running journal.



2x (I ran out of time for the 3rd set...had to change the home reading books at the school)

15 squats on Bosu

12 overhead press

12 butterflies

12 reverse butterflies

15 wall squats with ball

60-90 sec plank on ball (fore-arms and feet)


B6 on Bosu

15 clamps

50 calf raises

12 supermans 

Achy ankle 

Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Designated mental and physical rest day.  I'm teaching my Beehives tonight how to embellish t-shirts.....its gonna be fun!

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1 mile easy run

3 x

15 supermans on Bosu

10 star planks on Bosu

30 side to side lunges with weights

20 plank (with feet on stability ball) - shoulder taps

15 rollout on arms with stability ball

1 mile easy run


Deciding what to do about tomorrow's run.  BUT My decision right now is to finish eating truffles and chocolate dipped strawberries I purchased from my neighbor (YUM). 

Weight: 0.00
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Hubby tore into my ankle/calf last night and surprisingly didn't leave any bruises.  It did feel better after that, so I decided to proceed with the run.  If things started to get "messy", I could hop off and head upstairs back to bed:)

14 miles.  I broke it up into 2x7 mile runs (1:10 and 1:07).  Took a GU, blowing-nose, and adjust the window break at 7 miles.  Though I took some Chomps before the run, the GU is way for effective for me.  By mile 8, I was feeling much for peppy, the sun was starting to come up and I was watching Biggest Loser.

I picked up the pace a  bit on the second 7 miler and didn't die.  Nice.  Ankle started to get tired around mile 11/12.  But I really tried to stay focused on short steps, lean forward and no arms crossing body.  

LONG stretching session and foam rolling.  Ice, compression socks and old ankle brace for precaution.  The GU is wearing off and I'm getting sleepy..... 


I'm babysitting my 2 nieces this weekend while mom and dad are in Mexico (5 and 18 mo).  So I will have one set of triples, one set of twins and a baby.  Ummmm....that is a lot of kids :) 

Weight: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I knew I wouldn't have a lot of time this morning since we were watching my nieces and my son had an early basketball game.  So fast and efficient was the name of the game this morning!

3 x

15 overhead press

15 butterflies

12 reverse butterflies on stability ball

5/side one arm pushups on Bosu (ooooo.....those are HARD)

30 donkey kicks

15 supermans on Bosu

40 Russian twists with weight

25 dips

30/30/20 LLL

20 rollout on stability ball

10 plank shoulder taps with feet on ball

20 fire hydrants

stability stuff

Quick stretch and off to Maceys with 6 kids.   I would have liked to get some cardio in, but it will have to wait until Monday :)

Weight: 0.00
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Weight: 0.00
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