Recovery Monday! Last night as I was setting my alarm, I realized that the kids don't have any after school activities due to the holiday. AND no homework. Meaning, I could workout when hubby gets home. I'm SO glad I chose to sleep in and workout later. I didn't feel like zombie today
2x B6 3x 10xhip flexor on pulley machine 10x glute on pulley machine 10xlateral leg lift with kick in 20xLLL with toe pointed in 20xLLL with toe pointed up 60/60/60 planks 10xside to side lunges (I was in the spin room and put one leg up on a big block...made it way harder) 10x crossover lunges a few fire hydrants 3 miles on the stair mill. LONG stretching session and foam rolling One final Valentines sugar cookie...should I eat it or give it to hubby?