BEWARE: Proud Momma moment below!!!
Today was
the last day of running (sniffle...sniffle)! And to celebrate, they had
a one mile and a two mile race. Abby ran the one mile and Annie and
Carter ran the two mile race. The weather was overcast and cool.
 | Abby signing in at the race
 | Pre-race jitters!
 | The starting line of the one mile
 | And their off.....
 | I love that when Abby runs, she is ALL smiles! That girl loves to have F.U.N.!
 | Abby is about half-way through the race....still smiling!
 | Start of the 2 mile race....those boys are ready to race!
 | Carter at the halfway point!
 | Annie is fast on Carter's heels. That girl has beautiful form!
 | Trying to catch her little brother!
 | Carter
on the home stretch. I guess he crashed hard somewhere on the course.
Another mom told him to get up and finish. I was semi-glad that I
wasn't there. Sometimes it is too easy to "crutch" on mom and after our
Steel Days mishap, I was just happy to be the cheerleader!
 | Annie
on the home stretch. She heard us cheering and really turned it up a
notch. She told me after the race that she really wanted to beat that
pink-shorts girl!
 | Here she comes...gaining on the pink shorts girl....Mom cheering so loud as she is so excited for her girl!
 | Perfect it to the finish...Mom about to cry she is so proud!
 | A great morning for all! |
has been a great experience for me (as Mom) to watch my kids
participate in running camp this summer. Obviously, I love to run and
to have them enjoy it (or even semi-enjoy it) makes me spew with
happiness. They have gotten so much better with their running and their
times are proof.
I receive so much joy from this
great sport, but to be able to cheer on my children (while they are
feeling that runner's high) makes me want to cry. I almost had tears
running down my cheeks and I watched my kids cross the finish line. I
know those feelings they were experiencing. I hope this amazing running
trend continues.
8 easy miles for me. My calves were still extremely sore from Saturday's race. But after a few miles, they started to loosen up. AP: 10:00....SLOW!!!!