Happy birthday to my 8-year old babies! Where has the time gone???? 
Life has been swirling out of control these past few weeks. Between going out of town (several times), planning birthday parties, finishing our basement, and working in our two very large garden, I've taken a bit of a break from running. My ankle is feeling a lot better. I've really been hitting the balancing PT exercises hard core. WHY didn't I think to do that 10 days ago? Oh well, I needed a bit of a rest. I'm afraid I just too behind to be ready for SGM. I was talking with Don (the owner or Fleet Feet) today and he said I still have my base and should be alright. We'll see. I ran 2 miles then grabbed my big kids. We went for 2 miles. 1 mile up to the HS. We stopped and got a drink. The HS marching band was practicing so we watched for a minute. Then ran back home. So 2 of my 3 kids are really loving running (they are in running camp this summer....more on that later). But #3....she is LAZY!!!! She belly ached and whined and walked and whined. I'm finding it hard to motivate her. I realize it may not be her "thing", but I want her to do something even though she doesn't like it - I CAN DO HARD THINGS. This little thing called balance!!! I did a few PT exercises and stretching. Big breakfast, went to see Brave (so cute), then shopping to spend birthday money. It was a wonderful day!!!! I love that my oldest daughter spent her money on "cute" running clothes. A girl after my own heart!